Tuesday, June 14, 2011

In the Spotlight: Matthew Clark

Name: Matthew Clark

Character: Antigonus/Florizel

Why Acting?
Matthew Clark
I'm all about the projection and transfer of energy. The best moments in acting, for me, are these moments - the moments where an actor goes after what they want with so much commitment, so much force and heart that they lose themselves in their focus... the audience is lost with them too. For me this abandon is the ultimate freedom. Also, in a way, these moments can be a sudden and almost jarring glimpse into the soul, which, therefore at times makes theater even more honest than 'real life.' The best actors, I believe, are able to summon these moments on command. It must be incredibly difficult, but what could be better than to lose oneself entirely to a passion, to a goal...? To have others witness this, and, perhaps, be changed, moved and made the more enlightened by your projection...?

How and why did you get involved with Hampshire Shakespeare & this production?
I saw the HSC auditions advertised and love Shakespeare. Voila!

Do you have a favorite role from any past productions?
In 1st grade I played a leather jacket wearing punk during our musical production of Grease. All my teachers said I was such a ham! I do admit, I was good in the leather jacket ;)

What is your Favorite Word?
I find myself using the word "Faith" a lot. I also like the term "Bromance," but use it not nearly enough!

What is your Least Favorite Word?
I can't think of one. Jimmy Fallon really dislikes the word "Moist."

What sound or noise do you love?
Rain on a tent, at night, preferably 

What sound or noise do you hate?
I don't know if I hate any noise...

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
Currently I work in the UMass admissions office giving college talks to prospective high school students. I then read their applications. It's a great job, but I'd like to act, professionally. Anything working with kids, though, too, would be great.

What profession would you not like to do?
I think, I hope, I'd be brave enough to bag groceries or pump gas for a living, but - right now at least - I'd rather not have to.

What is your earliest memory of theater?
I never went to shows when I was a kid, but I used to repeat lines from the movie Newsies in the shower when I was very young.

Why is Theatre Necessary?
Okay, on the soap-box I go...
I think many of the worlds problems today stem from people's lack of understanding for each other. I think, at heart, all people are essentially GOOD - and therefore want to do good to others, but what gets in the way is this lack of understanding, or a lack of communication. At heart, we should, I believe, all be able to connect, but instead we replace the hard work and discomfort one must undergo for connection with simple explanations. Simple explanations, which, all too often, validate our own lifestyles and short sell the lifestyles of others. This is fine, really, but the more we know about one another, the more we care; the more we care, the more willing we are to accept, to help - and if we are all willing to help... well, it's idealistic, but it's not irrational. The best social leaders made change, by, at first, understanding the hearts of their enemies... they were not enemies, brothers and sisters, rather, is the point - and once they got to the heart, that's when the real change began. Telling stories - and transferring human emotions - it's like a short cut to the heart.

Also, I'll say - (I know, I'll get off the box in a minute) - but whether it be theater, movies, books - or even video games! - we cannot underestimate the importance of imagination, or, specifically, wonder in our world, in the worlds of our kids. Wonder is what moves us to progress, to improve, to dream. The thought that there is something else out there - something greater than us, that we have not seen - may never see - or may never understand, this wonder, this curiosity, I think is what breeds hope for a better future - the drive for it, individually, and in our world. Stories facilitate this wonder... Okay, I'll get down now...

Has performing Shakespeare given you any interesting insights into Shakespeare?
Just that he is awesome.

What’s next for you?
This may sound ridiculously silly and all-too-sincere for a blog, but I'd like to become a better actor and person. Yeesh!


Matthew Clark (Antigonus/Florizel) is overjoyed to be performing in HSC's "Winter's Tale." This is his first show! He is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts, where he now works in the admissions office. He also runs competitively. He thanks all those who have put up with - and believed in - his ridiculousness.

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